Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Turn of the season

September 22, 2016 is the autumnal equinox. We are not unhappy to see summer's end this year, having lost one family member and one lifelong friend. Others we hold dear had challenges. Miserably hot weather and appalling politics weren't helpful.

But there have been reasons to celebrate, and the change of seasons brings pleasures forgotten over the past year. Colors shift, landscapes transform, and plants somehow remember to prepare for winter. The shifting sun brings that distinctive fall light. Mosquitoes go wherever they go, thank heavens. Big squashes and apples appear at the farmer's market tables (replacing those luscious August peaches, alas). Fall is a beautiful season, and we anticipate it with gratitude for nature's cycles.

October berries
In memory of Terry Ey and Rosemary Friend.